Hey, folks. I promised you some good stuff, some content and resources. And if you stick with me, you’ll get all that and more. Below you can get started with a few articles or videos from the blog. There is more to come. Keep fighting the good fight and put your best self out there for the sake of your spouse, your kids and for your own sake.

This life was meant for enjoying. So, although there may be times of frustration and trial, there is also love and happiness and growth. Keep on Keeping It Together, my friends.

2015 World Down Syndrome Day Shirt

2015 World Down Syndrome Day Shirt

Disney has yet to send me any kind of summons or cease and desist. I did try several times to contact them regarding this Tee, but got nowhere. I never got permission, but I could not resist putting this shirt together for our second Down Syndrome Day celebration....

World Down Syndrome Day is Coming!

World Down Syndrome Day is Coming!

Four years ago, we were introduced to World Down Syndrome Day (see picture). I did not think much of it at the time, but my wife did. She ordered custom tee-shirts, bought blue and yellow candies and tied them up with blue and yellow ribbons. Our kids took these...

This is My Year! Or Maybe Next?

This is My Year! Or Maybe Next?

Let’s Give it Another GO! It’s the final countdown (BA-NA-NA-NA, BA-NA-NA-NA-NA) -Europe OK! I am totally psyched! This is my year! This is the year I make it all happen! Let’s see… Physical Goals: check Scholastic Goals: check Financial Goals: check Social Goals:...

How to Tell Your Kid He Has Autism

How to Tell Your Kid He Has Autism

Buddy: Why don't you just say it? I'm the worst toy maker in the world. I'm a cotton-headed ninny-muggins. Elves: (Gasps) Ming Ming: No, buddy, you're not a cotton-headed ninny-muggins. We all just have different talents. That's all. Buddy: Seems like everyone else...