
Whether diving ancient Spanish galleons as part of Mel Fisher’s Golden Crew, being life-flighted out of a tropical jungle or snowboarding off precipitous mountain cliffs, Rick Daynes has been finding adventure his entire life. Today however, the adventure he enjoys most is the one that found him.

Rick recently released his first book, “Keep It Together Man” For Dads with a Special Kid. It is based on his experiences as a husband and father of five, three of whom are on the Autism Spectrum; one has Asperger’s Syndrome and another Down Syndrome.

Rick has spoken across the United States and Canada, featured on several television and radio shows, and has helped change the lives of thousands. He brings a unique perspective that encourages audiences to expand their creativity and take action EVERY DAY!

Marriage, children, money, and everyday battles take their toll on any parent. Throw a kid with special needs into that mix, and it’s an entirely different ball game. Rick navigates a clear path through the roller coaster of different lives. The challenges and triumphs that mold families are celebrated. Get ready to laugh, cry, and be inspired by the keeping-it-real dad, who offers life changing solutions and tools to ALL parents, teachers, or anyone who wants to empower their life and shape the brightest future.