This article comes to us from special guest contributor, Elijah Dawson

If you have a child on the autism spectrum, there are many things to consider if you want to cultivate a thriving home environment. From prioritizing quality time together to ensuring their bedroom is calming, you can help your child flourish with a little planning and strategizing. Today, Keep It Together Man discusses some of the key factors to keep in mind when cultivating a healthy and happy home environment for your child on the spectrum.

Prioritize Quality Time Together

One of the most important things you can do for your child on the autism spectrum is to prioritize quality time together. This can be done in a number of ways, such as doing chores together, planning new experiences and activities together, or simply spending time talking and listening to one another. Taking the time to connect with your child on a regular basis will help lay a strong foundation for a thriving relationship.

Decorate Your Home With Your Child’s Interests in Mind

When modifying your home, remember to decorate with your child’s interests in mind. Incorporate their favorite colors, textures, and patterns into your design scheme — including their bedroom, the living room, and any other areas they spend time in. Doing so will help create a space that feels comforting and familiar to them. Also, if you’re making any major modifications, be sure to document the upgrades you make as certain updates can raise the value of your home.

Make Their Bedroom a Calming Haven

It’s also essential to ensure their bedroom is a calming haven for them. This means keeping the noise level down, using soft lighting, and incorporating calming colors and patterns into the space. Parents magazine notes that fostering a tranquil environment in their bedroom will help them relax and feel safe when they need some downtime.

Consider Home Safety

Finally, you’ll want to take home safety measures into consideration when rethinking the living environment for your child on the autism spectrum. The Organization for Autism Research says to ensure that all potentially dangerous items are out of reach, that all exit doors are easily accessible, and that someone is always available to provide supervision if needed. By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your child always has a safe place to flourish.


Creating a thriving home environment for your child on the autism spectrum takes some effort, thoughtfulness, and planning. However, by keeping some key considerations in mind, such as spending quality time and redecorating their bedroom, you can set the stage for success. With love and care, you can create a safe and supportive home base from which your child can explore and grow.

Rick Daynes recently released his first book Keep It Together Man based on his experiences as a husband and father of five, three of whom are on the Autism Spectrum. Contact Rick today to learn more!